Photon Emission Microscope
Laser Repair System
Large Scale Repair Station/
Probe Station
Compact Laser System
with Computer Control
Protein Crystallization Workstation
Welcome to Korima, Inc.
Since 1989, Korima equipment has proven indispensible in protein x-ray crystallography, liquid crystal display, and semiconductor research. To its customers worldwide, Korima products provide exceptional quality, value, and vision.
Today, Korima's two product groupings support the unique requirements for research and development in the life and sciences and semiconductor industries.
In the Life and Sciences Division, Korima's current products include:
- The new PRS-1000 represents a major breakthrough in technology for protein x-ray crystallography. With the PRS-1000, the laborious, error-prone process of distinguishing protein crystals from salts and residue finally becomes a thing of the past.
In the Semiconductor Division, Korima's current products include:
- Photon Emission Microscopy and IR microscopy.
- Laser Repair Systems
- Semiconductor and flat panel display probe stations for failure analysis and laser repair applications.
Korima markets its high-tech equipment worldwide, through a distribution network that includes representatives in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the United States.
Korima, Inc.
119 Star of India Lane
Carson, CA 90746
Voice: (310) 532-2222
E-mail: Info@Korimainc.com